Options for Stress Relief

When it comes to stress relief, there are quite a few approaches that you can take to make things better. Talk with your health care provider to find the one that may be right for you. Here are some of the more commonly available options for stress relief.

7 Helpful Hints on Options for Stress Relief

Natural Ways to Relieve Stress

Quite a few treatment options come under this heading. Natural treatments focus on coping strategies like body movements, meditation, and natural supplements.

1 – Yoga has been shown to help relieve stress in those who practice it. Yoga involves stretching and holding the body in postures, and it sometimes includes meditation.

2 – Meditation alone is an increasingly popular means of coping with stress. Deep breathing, relaxed muscles, and an aligned body frame are some of the reported benefits of meditation.

3 – Supplements have been shown to be helpful in dealing with stress. Some natural health practitioners recommend supplementing with flax oil or evening primrose oil, as these essential fatty acids are said to play a role in healthy brain function. (They are sometimes suggested for those who suffer from depression, too.)

Other experts suggest a bioavailable multi-vitamin with a high proportion of B6, or perhaps a B-complex supplement or just B6 alone. Studies show that the B vitamins play a key role in mood and emotional health.

4 – Herbs and natural supplements that may also help relieve stress. If you can, locate a natural health practitioner or herbalist to help recommend something for you.

5 – Dietary approaches to stress management are based on the premise that what you avoid eating may be as important as what you do eat.

Experts recommend avoiding sugar and caffeine, as these stimulants tend to provide short-term relief with a “crash” later.

Caffeine in particular can have a cyclic effect – you consume the caffeine to cope, but then the caffeine keeps you awake or makes you irritable.

Try to include lots of fresh, whole foods in your stress-relieving diet to keep your body functioning in top shape.

6 – Do your research. There can be great solace in learning about a topic that is bothering you.

Take some time to research books and articles on stress. Find out how it works, why people experience it, and how you can deal with it.

Sometimes, just learning as much as you can about it helps you cope. It might become less mysterious and scary that way.

Medical Options for Stress Relief

7 – Medication can be very helpful, as long as it is under a doctor’s supervision. Medication is said to be particularly indicated in helping people cope with sudden life changes or stress such as the loss of a loved one or a car accident. Medications are not necessarily indicated for dealing with everyday stressors.

Some stress sufferers find relief from stress-related headaches when they take medication. The goal of most medication of this nature is to get you to the point where you are able to seek help and deal with the underlying cause of your stress.

It is especially critical that you seek help if you find yourself having feelings of hopelessness or thoughts of suicide. Medical intervention can be life saving in such cases.

Remember, you always have options for stress relief. There is no need to suffer under the burden of stress. Take the initiative and do all that you can to make things better.

aromatherapy to relieve stress


For information about how you can use aromatherapy to relieve stress and help you relax, read the GoodLifeEssentialOils.com article Can Aromatherapy Really Relieve Stress and Anxiety?

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