Eating a Good Breakfast

Why You Need to Eat a Healthy Breakfast

Breakfast has long been touted as the most important meal of the day. Eating a good breakfast starts the day off right, fuels your day, and gives you time to focus your mind on what you need to accomplish.

7 Helpful Hints for Eating a Good Breakfast

1) Start with water. Drinking a nice big glass of refreshing water is the best way to start your day. It rehydrates you after a long night of sleeping, flushes out the toxins in your body, and wakes up your digestive system.

2) Don’t skip breakfast. Your mind and body need energy in order to function. If you skip breakfast, your body gets into starvation mode, starts to panic, and will hoard fat in order to have fuel for the future in case you skip breakfast again.

Eating regularly and frequently is important.

3) Plan ahead. Plan ahead for a good, healthy breakfast. Make sure that you have healthy foods on hand so that you will eat what’s good for you instead of stopping at the local donut shop.

A good breakfast starts at the market or in the grocery store. It can also start in your own backyard if you raise your own chickens, but that is another article!

4) Have some protein. Include protein in your morning meal. See the video below for a great explanation of why protein is important.

5) Eat fresh food. For best results, eat something fresh and raw as part of your breakfast. Berries are loaded with healthy anti-oxidants and are a great choice.

6) Mix it up. Vary your morning menu to keep things interesting. That way you are less likely to skip breakfast out of boredom or lack of appetite.

See point number three! You need to plan ahead to have a variety of foods to choose from.

7) Eat breakfast with a friend. I love to go out with family and friends for a healthy, hearty breakfast. It is the cheapest and generally the best value you can get in a restaurant meal.

I am not talking about sugary muffins, but a hearty old-fashioned breakfast that starts your day off right. The best part is that someone else gets to do the cleanup afterward!

Watch the video for more tips on eating a good breakfast.

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Norma Esler
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